Entries by Max Titov

Stand your Ground

ow do you see the world? How does the world see you? Do you know what you’re worth? And are you getting your share of the pie? Earlier today I partook in an exhilarating experience that tested the entire core of my being. From the moment that I picked up the phone and uttered a typical greeting […]

Behind the veil

friend who recently came back for holidays from her work assignment overseas in Kuwait told me an interesting story. What captured my attention and the purpose for this post is her account of the interactions between men and women, those who are starting on their journey to become lifelong partners. It is wildly known and observed in […]

Kindness: what limits us?

t’s the holiday season: we open our homes and our hearts to the possibility of making a connection with others.  We look at everything that was accomplished, examine the things that could have been better, unwind and toast to the new beginnings that bound to take shape in the new and upcoming year. For some […]

Personal Mantras

015 is approaching fast.  There’s only a few weeks left to finish our goals, wrap our gifts and figure out who we’re going to kiss at the strike of 12. It’s been another interesting year: filled with growth, inspiration, challenges and triumphs. I’ve learned a lot and through the process I’ve collected a set of […]

Climbing a Mountain

I often come across interesting stores, stores that capture my imagination and at the same time remind me of my own struggles, challenges and victories. This is one of those tales, it’s a story shared by Elliot Hulse: “It’s not about living up to the heights set artificially by society or the expectations of others.  It’s […]

The Invitation

Something wonderful that I came across by Oriah Mountain Dreamer: It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking […]

Superior Man Revisited

while back I’ve read a book but never finished it. Different sections of the book rubbed me the wrong way.  While glancing through my notes that I’ve made months ago suddenly I could see connections, suddenly the new experiences that I’ve gone through created a better framework for my ability to understand what the author tried […]

Why are you still single?

hat’s such a terrible question, it’s a terrible question because of the message that it sends across; the message that there is something wrong with you.  Well first of all let me come out and say that there’s nothing wrong with being single [unless you feel that you need to be in a relationship – in […]

A Shimmering Instance

y friends and I went to see a new movie #interstellar on Sunday.  It was their second time and first for me.  I’ve enjoyed the experience but had a difficult time talking about it afterwards; I felt a bit dumb and my vocabulary shrunk to a primitive list of phrases like: “aha”, “yea”, “yup”, “that was good”.  I suppose I […]

A Moment

would like to start this snowy Monday with a reference to a thought that I had a little while back. “Big moments are important but at times I find it more interesting to look around. It’s wonderful to watch the first dance of a newly married bride and groom but if you carefully look through the crowd […]