Entries by Max Titov


ur world is a social ecosystem.  The human race is not meant to live in solitude.  We require interaction, connection and we do better in social environments.  I will admit that socializing is not a trivial quality and many of us struggle and find the associated experiences frustrating and unpleasant. However, no matter who you are […]

Why don’t we listen?

come from a family of talkers.  We all have opinions and we’re not afraid to share our thoughts.  Just like a family of fishermen we’re always looking for an opportunity to catch someone in our web of ideas. In my early years; not surprisingly; I’ve learned how to share my viewpoints well. Unfortunately, thinking back, […]

Systemizing vs Empathizing

‘ve recently read an article in Psychology Today.  The article discussed the difference between two sexes. Below are the references that I found to be most interesting. On the male side The male brain is characterized by systemizing tendencies (to use Baron-Cohen’s term) and mechanistic thinking (to use Crespi and Badcock’s term). “Systemizing” is the […]

Europea Restaurant

In the heart of Montreal I had the opportnity to partake an in amazing experience.  An experience of tastes, flavours, imagination, witt, surprises and amazing autmosphere. If you’re in the area and are intersted having a similar wonderful time don’t forget to put Europea in to your itinerary.

A helping hand? First attempt at something different

regular North American Saturday was filled with shopping, the sunshine, coffee and comfort snacks complemented by witty conversations.  We walked down a large parking lot and noticed a man standing with a sign asking for help.  A small rag of paper outlined a brief plea for assistance. We glanced at each other channeling familiar emotions. […]

Objects and motion

saac Newton’s first law states: Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.  What if we apply the same principle to our lives and consider January as the external catalyst?   Dear reader, A new year is upon us.  I […]

What time is it?

ve thought of a riddle, do you care to think of an answer? The twins are two numbers on the clock, When the hand forces you to stop, The digits are a multiple of the two numbers, What time is it?

The Rush experience

rom the first moment when I was introduced to the band [Rush] [some odd six months ago] most of what I heard involved praises of their lyrics.  In preparation for the live concert that took place earlier today [June 19, 2015] I was instructed to take in a daily dose of what they had to […]


hat is the cost of a happy go lucky feeling at the core of your stomach? Apparently it’s $2. I was standing in line waiting to pay for a pouch of peanuts [retail value $0.85]. An elderly woman was standing in front of me. She carefully examined her collection of goodies: a midsize bag of […]


he word admiration is defined as: respect and warm approval; something regarded as impressive or worthy of respect. I’ve thought about the word earlier this morning and a sudden question burst through the fogginess of my mind: do we have people in our lives that we admire? I do believe that there’s greatness in the world but […]