A Shimmering Instance

My friends and I went to see a new movie #interstellar on Sunday.  It was their second time and first for me.  I’ve enjoyed the experience but had a difficult time talking about it afterwards; I felt a bit dumb and my vocabulary shrunk to a primitive list of phrases like: “aha”, “yea”, “yup”, “that was good”.  I suppose I was a bit overwhelmed.

Something happened the following Monday: something different, something unusual and wonderful.

I loaded the soundtrack from the movie on to my mp3 player and went outside to get some groceries during my lunch break.  On my way to the store I started noticing things, I started paying closer attention [things which I haven’t taken time to acknowledge before]: a water droplet on a tree branch, an intersection light above me swarmed by a flurry of snowflakes, the feeling of tiny icy bits landing on my face, the blurred-out crowds of people in the mall [I started to look beyond them in to the distance].

I walked half grinning with my head slightly tilted to the side.

My pace eased, I started to slow, began to feel the music take me; I knew that I was getting pretty emotional.

On the way back I found an isolated spot in the middle of a field covered in snow.  I stopped, looked up and as the music escalated I watched the flakes falling – I watched them swarm, slow down, pick up the pace; some rushed towards me and others fell calmly in the distance. I don’t know how long I was there, just standing; maybe 5min?

I watched it all unfold and then I started to cry.


Happy Mondays!


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  1. […] As I was driving to work I’ve cried today.  It’s been a while. […]

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